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Benefits of chia seeds

 Benefits of chia seeds

Benefits of chia seeds

What are chia seeds

Chia seeds are seeds from the Salvia hispanica plant, which is a flowering plant. In the mint family (Lamiaceae) it is native to Central America, or from Salvia columbaria in the southwestern United States and Mexico. Chia seeds are oval and gray with black and white spots, and are hydrophilic, absorbing up to 12 times their weight in water when soaked and growing a layer of mucilage that gives foods and drinks containing chia a distinctive gel texture. Chia seeds are grown on a small scale in central Mexico and Guatemala and commercially throughout Central and South America. Chia seeds have multiple uses and provide many amazing health benefits for women, men, and children, which we will mention later.

Benefits of chia seeds for women

  • Protects against breast cancer and cervical cancer, and it has been proven that the omega-3 fatty acid component What is found in chia seeds limits the growth of cancer cells.
  • Chia seeds may kill cancer cells without harming normal healthy cells.
  • Chia seeds help balance protein, fiber, and fat, as one ounce of chia seeds provides the following nutrients, approximately 11 1 gram of fiber, 9 grams of fat, and 4 grams of protein. Which helps maintain blood sugar balance, which helps balance hormones.
  • Chia seeds are rich in high-quality protein, and protein is important for maintaining a good balance of hormones.
  • Chia seeds improve the balance of blood sugar levels, as high blood sugar levels create havoc with hormones.
  • Chia seeds slowly release carbohydrates and help slow the conversion of carbohydrates into glucose (blood sugar) for energy.
  • Chia seeds are very rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are the best antidepressants in the world. It improves the mood immediately after eating it.
  • Chia seeds are also anti-inflammatory and help relieve those aches and pains that women experience before and during their menstrual cycle.

Benefits of chia seeds for men

  • It contains a high percentage of phosphorus, which makes it an important seed for sexual relations.
  • It provides the body with energy and activity.
  • It increases the body's activity.
  • It stimulates blood circulation.
  • It increases blood flow to the penis, which helps with erection.
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  • Delays the ejaculation process.
  • It contains important proteins that provide the body with energy.
  • Delays ejaculation.
  • Relieves the body of stress and increases calm.
  • It increases the number of sperm and increases their health.

Benefits of chia seeds for children< /h2>
  • Chia seeds strengthen the child’s dental and bone health because they contain large amounts of calcium.
  • Chia seeds improve muscle tone.
  • Chia seeds help To regulate digestion.
  • Chia seeds reduce harmful cholesterol in the blood and support the heart muscle and arteries.
  • Chia seeds enhance the immune system.
  • Chia seeds fight cancer.
  • Chia seeds reduce harmful cholesterol in the blood and support the heart muscle and arteries.
  • Chia seeds strengthen the immune system.
  • Chia seeds fight cancer. li>

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